What a group! As Mona said, “Everyone feels awkward, unappreciated and miserable.”
Do they do this every night? Is there anyone who wants to be at this table? Mr. Ramsay, “sitting down, all in a heap, frowning“, and later “screwing his face up… scowling, and frowning, and flushing with anger“. William Blake (“it is a terrible waste of tim…
What a group! As Mona said, “Everyone feels awkward, unappreciated and miserable.”
Do they do this every night? Is there anyone who wants to be at this table? Mr. Ramsay, “sitting down, all in a heap, frowning“, and later “screwing his face up… scowling, and frowning, and flushing with anger“. William Blake (“it is a terrible waste of time… How trifling it all is, how boring it all is“) and Charles Tansley (“what damn rot they talk“), both of whom preferred to dine alone. Lily Briscoe, trying to “not lose her temper, and not argue“, above all else, was fixated on moving the tree in her painting further towards the middle. Mrs. Ramsay, feeling the need to get everyone together, but wondering “what have I done with my life?“, looks over at her husband, and “could not understand how she has ever felt any emotion or affection for him“. What an emotionally wrought scene! Bon appétit! (At least Augustus was happy.)
What a group! As Mona said, “Everyone feels awkward, unappreciated and miserable.”
Do they do this every night? Is there anyone who wants to be at this table? Mr. Ramsay, “sitting down, all in a heap, frowning“, and later “screwing his face up… scowling, and frowning, and flushing with anger“. William Blake (“it is a terrible waste of time… How trifling it all is, how boring it all is“) and Charles Tansley (“what damn rot they talk“), both of whom preferred to dine alone. Lily Briscoe, trying to “not lose her temper, and not argue“, above all else, was fixated on moving the tree in her painting further towards the middle. Mrs. Ramsay, feeling the need to get everyone together, but wondering “what have I done with my life?“, looks over at her husband, and “could not understand how she has ever felt any emotion or affection for him“. What an emotionally wrought scene! Bon appétit! (At least Augustus was happy.)
Seems like this dinner is a bit special... the boeuf en daube, for instance... but I’m not sure.