"Nothing seemed to have merged. They all sat separate. And the whole of the effort of merging and flowing and creating rested on her. Again she felt, as a fact without hostility, the sterility of men, or if she did not do it nobody would do it" Damn, Virginia. That description of emotional labor. This chapter! Already my copy is stuffed …
"Nothing seemed to have merged. They all sat separate. And the whole of the effort of merging and flowing and creating rested on her. Again she felt, as a fact without hostility, the sterility of men, or if she did not do it nobody would do it" Damn, Virginia. That description of emotional labor. This chapter! Already my copy is stuffed with book darts. Each person's flowing, contradictory thoughts and feelings, merging like a river.
And that line, "he would have whirled round and round and found rest at the bottom of the sea." Sarah Manguso has a sentence that says something like (and I know I'm getting it wrong) suicides are always easy to foretell in retrospect.
"Nothing seemed to have merged. They all sat separate. And the whole of the effort of merging and flowing and creating rested on her. Again she felt, as a fact without hostility, the sterility of men, or if she did not do it nobody would do it" Damn, Virginia. That description of emotional labor. This chapter! Already my copy is stuffed with book darts. Each person's flowing, contradictory thoughts and feelings, merging like a river.
And that line, "he would have whirled round and round and found rest at the bottom of the sea." Sarah Manguso has a sentence that says something like (and I know I'm getting it wrong) suicides are always easy to foretell in retrospect.
Love a line like "...rest at the bottom of the sea." whose imagery takes me deep into the emotional stakes of a scene.