"What was the spirit in her, the essential thing, by which, had you found a crumpled glove in the corner of a sofa, you would have known it, from its twisted finger, hers indisputably?" Always the essential, and ultimately mysterious, question for Woolf.
Martha Nussbaum has a terrific essay on the problem of knowing others in "To the Ligh…
"What was the spirit in her, the essential thing, by which, had you found a crumpled glove in the corner of a sofa, you would have known it, from its twisted finger, hers indisputably?" Always the essential, and ultimately mysterious, question for Woolf.
Martha Nussbaum has a terrific essay on the problem of knowing others in "To the Lighthouse," called, "The Window: Knowledge of Other Minds in Virginia Woolf's 'To the Lighthouse.'"
The essay you recommended from "Mimesis" was (as you said) a fantastic close reading of the brown stocking chapter. I'll look forward to reading this essay as well. Thank you for the recommendations.
"What was the spirit in her, the essential thing, by which, had you found a crumpled glove in the corner of a sofa, you would have known it, from its twisted finger, hers indisputably?" Always the essential, and ultimately mysterious, question for Woolf.
Martha Nussbaum has a terrific essay on the problem of knowing others in "To the Lighthouse," called, "The Window: Knowledge of Other Minds in Virginia Woolf's 'To the Lighthouse.'"
The essay you recommended from "Mimesis" was (as you said) a fantastic close reading of the brown stocking chapter. I'll look forward to reading this essay as well. Thank you for the recommendations.
Will look for the essay by Nussbaum! Thanks..
Thank you!
Lily’s searching for the essence of Mrs. Ramsey, how to describe it, the “glove’s twisted finger” is amazing.